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Design consultancy services for the refurbishment of the building Italy House, new premises of the Consulate General of Italy and Italian Cultural Institute
Institution: | Consolato Generale di Edimburgo |
Subject: | Design consultancy services for the refurbishment of the building Italy House, new premises of the Consulate General of Italy and Italian Cultural Institute |
Tender type: | Restricted Procedure |
Award Criterion: | Most economically advantageous |
How to participate: | Online |
Tender Amount: | £150,480.00 |
Base bid amount (excluding security charges and VAT): | £150,480.00 |
Payment terms: | Net 30 |
UID: | 9549937950 |
Status: | Closed |
Motivation: | Conclusion of the first phase - Invitation to selected participants to follow |
Service or Area of reference: | Consolato Generale Di Edimburgo |
Publication date: | 20 December 2022 16:00:00 GMT |
Latest terms for questions submission: | 13 January 2023 12:00:00 GMT |
Expiration date: | 27 January 2023 15:00:00 GMT |
Tender documentation: | |
To request information: | |
Name | Publication date | Category |
![]() |
18 January 2023 16:13:45 GMT | Other documents |
List of Clarification Questions
Q&A n. 1
Question:Deadline clarification
The deadline for the submission of applications is set to 20.01.2023, at 12 (noon) GMT.
At this stage, applicants are required to submit administrative, financial and professional information about their company only.
Q&A n. 2
Question:Currency clarification
Please note that all amounts are to be intended in GBP.
Q&A n. 3
Question:Having looked at the tender documentation, there seems to be a discrepancy about the services you require between what stated in the title and in the tender document. Could you please clarify if Employer Agent (Project Management and Cost Management) services are required? Also could you please confirm that you intend to appoint an Architect as a single point of reference for all of the required services, including Employer Agent if required
For any discrepancy, please consider what the ITT states, its provisions being the official and ultimate ones. Employer's Agent (Project Management and Cost Management) and contract administration services are required. A lead consultant (i.e. an architect with a relevant set of sub-consultants) is to be appointed as single point of reference for all the required services
Q&A n. 4
Question:Could you please provide us with a copy of the outline design proposals (drawings) that the published cost plan has been based on?
The outline design proposals (drawings) will be made available only to the first phase successful applicants, for them to submit a comprehensive technical and financial offer. At this stage, applicants are required to submit administrative, financial and professional information about their company only.
Q&A n. 5
Question:Which is the correct amount of the tender? The tender documentation, specifically the “Cost Plan”, indicates the amount of 150.840,00 pounds while on the website the same amount is stated in Euros.
All amounts are to be intended in GBP.
Q&A n. 6
Question:Will the execution of the works referred to in this tender project be awarded through a Design and Built tender?
It is envisaged that the building works are to be carried out under a Design and Built contract with the lead consultant acting as Employer's Agent. However this is to be confirmed with the Lead Consultant following their appointment and joint review of the project.
Q&A n. 7
Question:Will the executive project, which form the basis of the works tender, must be approved, and validated according to the provisions of the Italian law by the MAECI technical offices?
Yes, the executive project will have to be approved by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
Q&A n. 8
Question:Based on what is indicated in point 4 of the call for tenders, we would like to have a clarification about the possibility for our company to participate in the tender. In fact, being our company based in Italy, the same is registered with the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Professional Order and not with those indicated by the invitation to tender (England, Wales and Scotland). However, we would like to point out that the technical director of our company is registered in the English Register/Order of Architects ARB (Architects Registration Board). We also point out that our company was registered in 2020, and so from less than 5 years, nevertheless in accordance with the Italian law ex D.Lgs 50/2016, it is known that for the first 5 years from the establishment of the company, the qualifications of the professional partners and technical directors may be valid for the company itself, a condition which for our company fulfills the requirement expose by the tender. In reason of that we think that the application of an exclusion criterion linked to the existence of the company for more than 5 years would be considered a violation of the current Italian regulations relating to the assignment of professional rules and jobs by an Italian public institution. In addition to this we would like to know if all the figures indicated in point 4.2 of the call for tenders must be included in the working group or if, with reference to Italian legislation, it is fair that the technical director of our company is qualified to carry out each individual professional service required.
Under the Company and Professional Requirements in the ITT (4.1), any prospective Tenderer, where the Tenderer is a company, is required to be incorporated in the Register of Companies in Scotland or in England and Wales for at least 5 years. The prospective tenderer may wish to team up with other British professionals to satisfy this requirement as well as the remaining Professional, technical and financial requirements.
Please note that that any professional included in the tender under paragraph 4.3 would need to be compliant with the relevant UK legislation regarding eligibility requirements to carry out services in the UK. Any non-British citizen professional shall comply with any British fiscal and immigration regulation (i.e. having the right to work or carry out any consultancy activity, obtaining a specific relevant visa, if required).
The tenderer must be qualified to carry out all the services required in the ITT under UK regulation. The services may be provided either by a single company or a group of companies, by a single professional or a group of professionals. Specific professional services may be subcontracted as stated in paragraph 5.5 of the ITT.
Q&A n. 9
Question:In the Invitation to Tender, paragraph 2.1 reads “Develop the Preliminary Design to allow for: Measured survey drawings” but in the Preliminary Document the paragraph 3.9 reads “a full measured survey has been commissioned by the Consulate General of Italy and carried out by Brennan Associates”. Please could you clarify whether the appointed team will need to also provide a measured survey of the building? And if that is the case, please could you clarify why the survey carried out by Brennan Associates cannot be adopted? Which additional requirements the survey will need?
The appointed team will not need to provide a full measured survey of the building, which has already been carried out by Brennan Ass. This comprises a site plan, all floor plans and reflected ceiling plans, all external elevations, and two sections.
Q&A n. 10
Question:In the Preliminary Document, the paragraph 1.7 reads “…a single consultant is to be appointed to provide all the required architectural, interior designing, landscaping, …” but in the cost plan there was no allowance for landscaping. Could you clarify if landscaping design is a service required by this tender?
A landscape design might not be required as the external works are mainly limited to the upgrading of the security measures (perimeter fencing, CCTV, security lighting, car gates, etc..) and the installation of the Consulate flagpoles and external signage.
Q&A n. 11
Question:Please could you clarify the consultant role during construction? The Invitation to Tender is not clear in defining the responsibilities for contract administration. Is the client agent going to do the contract administration? In a Design and Build contract the Design team will be usually novated to the Contractor and will not be able to act as client agent.
It is envisaged that the building works are to be carried out under a Design and Built contract with the lead consultant acting as Employer's Agent. However, this is to be confirmed with the consultant following their appointment and joint review of the project. The consultant should allow for contract administration services/ acting as Employer's Agent during the works, as their appointment is not to be novated by the Contractor.
Q&A n. 12
Question:The Invitation to Tender has not included any time or service allowance for the preparation submission and approval of a Building Warrant. The document refers to a Building Inspector involvement which is not part of the legal procedure for statutory approvals in Scotland (it only applies to the English system). The Building Warrant stage was omitted because of a mistake or the Consulate holds a Crown dispensation for the nature of the building?
The Consultant needs to provide in their proposal the preparation submission and approval of a Building Warrant, dealing with all relevant building control matters.
Q&A n. 13
Question:Please clarify whether the anticipated building contract will be Design and Build or other (Ref ECI Preliminary Document item 7.1 – “advise on appropriate form of building contract” whilst in 1.8 “the main contractor is to be procured on a Design and Build basis….”).
It is envisaged that the building works are to be carried out under a Design and Built contract with the lead consultant acting as Employer's Agent. However this is to be confirmed with the Lead Consultant following their appointment and joint review of the project.
Q&A n. 14
Question:Do minimum turnover and insurance covers apply to the lead designer or to each consulting body within the consortium?
They apply to the Lead Designer.
Q&A n. 15
Question:Are relevant past project examples important prerequisites for compliance?
Relevant past projects examples will be considered during the selection process as specified in section 6.3.
Q&A n. 16
Question:Can relevant past project examples out with the five years’ timescale be included for information or will this disqualify us?
Selection process will be based on projects carried out within the last five years, but presenting older projects for information purposes will be accepted.
Q&A n. 17
Question:Can photos and brief descriptions of past project examples be included/embedded in the Tender Information document, Evaluation Criteria form?
Yes, they can.
Q&A n. 18
Question:Is there a maximum word count for our answers in the Tender Information document, Evaluation Criteria form?
No, there is not.
Q&A n. 19
Question:Can we include an appendix with individual projects schedules of the projects?
Yes, you can.
Q&A n. 20
Question:Please note: the Scottish Building Control application and approval processes does differ from the English system. There are no approved inspectors within Scotland, all approvals must be sought from the local council authority and building control applications (referred to as Building Warrant Applications in Scotland). It is advisable that the Client factors the associated timescale for the approval process since no work is legally permitted to commence without a warrant/approval being in place.
All noted and agreed. To clarify, the appointed consultant will be required to apply for a Building Warrant and deal with all relevant Building Regulations and Standards matters.
Q&A n. 21
Question:Can an extension of time for the submission be considered including an extension to the question period due to the Christmas and New Year holiday period? Collating the necessary information in time is proving difficult.
At this stage tenderers are required to submit general administrative and financial information only, and a list of previous relevant jobs.
Q&A n. 22
Question:We understand that the existing building construction is steel and concrete. Are structural drawings of the existing building available and/OR are you able to confirm whether the slabs are solid or holorib?
Prestressed concrete floor units were specified on the original structural engineering construction drawings, which will be made available to the consultants team following their appointment.
Q&A n. 23
Question:Amendment Notice
Please note that the deadline for the submission of applications has been postponed to 27.01.2023 h 15.00 GMT.
An Amendment Notice, regarding Tenderer eligibility criteria, has been made available in the Publications section on 18.01.2023.